Thursday, February 5, 2009

Visible Advantages

There are many ways to deliver our music to the world and to our friends and supporters. Sound files of high quality can be made with a laptop computer anywhere you happen to be. Musicians and songwriters have websites and blogs like this one.

But for my money, which always seems to arrive in very small portions, I see video as the cheapest, most effective and best way to promote myself as a performing artist. Fans and friends like to see as well as hear. There can be an excitement in the visuals.

I have found a process for video making that suits me. It requires only my Sony 740 digital video camera with tripod and remote controller, my computer and the Internet. Actually the musicians are the most important part, along with proper preparations and rehearsal.

I have made many videos [at a low price] for other artists. These vids have found their way onto digital promo pack discs. Some of the vids I produced in this way have been uploaded to websites or to You Tube, or just used for reflection by the artist in order to review performance methods. There are many applications with this simple and user friendly technology. And you get a HUGE bang for the buck.

I hope you'll take a few minutes to watch and enjoy a couple songs from my 2008 Quantum Tour on Google Video. This is my gift to you. Check out Swing! I made over forty of these live music videos and uploaded them to Google Video in thirty days in January 2008.

Many of these vids have proven their worth in the lives and homes and activities of people across the face of the Earth. They are thought provoking and entertaining. That's one of the Visible Advantages provided by decent video footage of your performances. Decent sound is also possible.

I'm now in the planning stages of another video project that will put more of my material in the hands of others so they can do what they're supposed to, for songs have a life of their own and they need wings. The Internet provides wings. I hope to produce the equivalent of a CD before spring and upload it to the world.

People are being touched by my songs in this way and the videos and songs never go away. They require no further production or promotional costs. These are more Visible Advantages. Cool and inexpensive works for me. If you do this, always think Light and Framing.


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